Albert’s film The Commitment has been officially selected to screen in in the Ukraine. The film is available to watch for FREE from October 17-21, 2021, in the collection Medium-Length Films (The Commitment starts at 1:20:40). The festival showcases LGBTQ+ works from across the world, in all genres that confront stereotypes, push boundaries, and strive for change.
The Commitment stars Albert and Jason Lane Fenton as gay adoptive parents, Mary Niederkorn as the social worker facilitating the adoption, and Kerri Patterson as the Asian-American birthmother. Richard Propes of The Independent Critic wrote, “Emotional resonance, joy and heartbreak…indeed, this is a film that would be difficult to pull off if not for its tremendously talented cast.” The film has screened at over 40 film festivals on six continents and won multiple awards, most notably edging out Oscar®-nominated Moonrise Kingdom to win a 2013 NASW Media Award. The film is available at on the compilation Green Briefs and on the Queerbee streaming platform. The film is produced by Albert, Richard Possemato, Aaron Howland, and Seth Howland.