The Commitment, written and directed by Albert, has been accepted into the Chennai Rainbow Film Festival, the film’s 30th film festival. The film will screen at M M Preview Theatres on January 5, 2017 at 7:10pm. More than 50 short, documentary and feature-length films will be screened during the five-day festival, to be held January 4-8, 2017. Admission is free.

In India, the public depiction of LGBT people can be considered a political act — a form of activism that has the power to connect people across boundaries. “The aim of the festival is to raise awareness about LGBT issues among the general public. It also aims at providing a platform to filmmakers who don’t get the opportunity to screen their film in theatres. Many of them struggle to get funding,” said Vikranth Prasanna, founder, Chennai Dost. This is the third year that CRFF is being held, and the theme is ‘Hues of Love.’

The Commitment stars Albert M. Chan and Jason Lane Fenton as gay adoptive parents, Mary Niederkorn as the social worker facilitating the adoption, and Kerri Patterson as the Asian-American birthmother. Richard Propes of The Independent Critic wrote, “Emotional resonance, joy and heartbreak…indeed, this is a film that would be difficult to pull off if not for its tremendously talented cast.” The film has screened at 30 film festivals on four continents and won multiple awards, most notably edging out Oscar®-nominated Moonrise Kingdom to win a 2013 NASW Media Award. The film is available at on the compilation Green Briefs. The film is produced by Albert M. Chan, Richard Possemato, Aaron Howland, and Seth Howland.